Now that the dust has settled on Miami Music Week 2024—and Miami is dry again—we’ve had plenty of time to reflect on our largely nocturnal week in Florida’s nightlife capital.
Even for those who didn’t attend Ultra Music Festival, the city’s hundreds of club nights, label showcases, and pool parties are a beast all their own. It was this writer’s first time in town for Music Week, and as with any new dance music experience, I learned plenty of lessons during my stay in Miami.
Read on for five things I learned at my first Miami Music Week and prepare to emerge battle-tested for next year’s week of clubbing chaos—perhaps bent, but certainly not broken.

1. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone & Connect
This piece of advice might seem obvious, but as my time in Miami was primarily a solo mission, it couldn’t have been more pertinent.
While party cities like Miami sometimes have a reputation for being a bit rough around the edges, I found the Music Week crowds to be plenty friendly. With hundreds of thousands of ravers traveling in for the festivities, I met people from all over the world and from all walks of life; from Miami to New York City and even as far as Germany.
Though pre-festival jitters were present at the start, they melted away on the dancefloor surrounded by people who truly share a love for music. The crowds at Factory Town brought festival energy and even the oft-exclusive Club Space was full of good vibes.
Hailing from Ohio—a largely bass-dominated scene—my chances to chop it up with fellow house and techno nerds are usually few and far between.
Sharing thoughts on our respective hometown scenes and getting to geek out over my favorite artists and labels with other fans was so much fun.

2. Get Some Sleep (When You Can)
With 12-hour pool parties under the sunlight and 12-hour—if not longer—club shows under the strobe lights, it’s no secret that Miami is a sleepless city during Music Week. However, if you want to get the most out of your time on the dancefloor, it’s important to get your rest, even if it’s just a few winks.
In an effort to do and see as much as possible, there was more than one occasion when I pushed myself perhaps a bit too hard. While your favorite DJ in the world may be commanding the decks, being too exhausted can take you out of the moment.
If you’re feeling the least bit cranky or tired, there’s nothing wrong with taking a quick nap to recharge. Most Music Week performances are extended sets anyway, so—barring long lines—there’s less pressure to rush to the venue to catch every second of a set.
God bless the brave souls who stuck it out for all 20 hours of Solid Grooves’ Friday night showcase at Club Space (or any other of the club’s marathon shows on the week). Marco Carola and Dennis Cruz fittingly rewarded their endurance with an extra hour of grooving to close out the event.

3. Bring A Portable Phone Charger
For the first time in my raving career, I learned this one the hard way.
Though I’m not usually one to be on my phone at live music events, my obligations as a member of the media meant I had to grab a lot of videos this time around—notorious for draining cell phone battery.
I’m used to charging up my phone beforehand, throwing it in low-power mode and forgetting about my battery percentage until morning. Unfortunately, after my rave fam for the evening had departed Factory Town, my phone died almost exactly as I was tapping “Select Lyft.”
If not for the kindness of a stranger who shared their power bank, I would have been left to take an unmarked taxi back to my pad for the week.
Though many of these drivers are kind individuals who mean no harm, traveling this way in a new city, especially when you’re by yourself, can be very unsafe.
Do not put yourself in this situation. Charge your phone ahead of time, take the proper precautions against theft (tethers, bag locks, etc.), and pack some extra juice just in case.

4. Take Some Time Away From The Music & Enjoy The City
Despite all the top-notch tunes I heard at Music Week, one of the definitive highlights of my trip was devoid of a sound system of any kind. After wrapping up some interviews, I found myself with some time to kill and took a quiet walk down South Beach.
I had long since decided that dance music is the way I plan to see the world. Though South Beach isn’t exactly the South of France, I found myself in a notable location I’d never been to before and it was a nice moment of fulfillment.
Dance music is an international and cross-cultural pastime, and traveling for it can take you to so many unique places.
From good eats to natural beauty, if you’ve got the time, why not take a beat—or even a whole measure—to enjoy the place you’re in?

5. Venture Off The Beaten Path & Follow The Music
There is no shortage of world-class DJs in Miami during Music Week—or any other time of the year, for that matter. Many of them are the legends and icons you know, and many of them are not.
Music Week events certainly have some of the most stacked club lineups around, but that doesn’t mean burgeoning talent isn’t worth checking out, too. Though big-ticket brands like Music On, Black Book Records, and Experts Only may have brought me to Factory Town—and threw down, no doubt—the venue’s five stages made room for lots of different sounds.
Last year, if you had told this tech house guy that he’d be deep in the mix for a sweaty, hard techno warehouse set from horsegiirL, he’d have his doubts. But sure enough, there he was, enjoying a moment of musical discovery.
This happened again and again throughout the week, from industry-backed rising stars (shout out Eliza Rose), to underacknowledged veterans (like Luuk van Dijk and Lauren Lo Sung) to local up-and-comers (like ChaseWest).
With so much good music on hand, you’re sure to find something new that fits your vibe. Get back in touch with your inner rave baby and check out something new, just because it is.