By day Katie is a travel pediatric icu nurse and a riddim rat by night. She's been going to festivals since 2017 and loves the free-spirit energy that comes with them. Her favorite artists are Odesza and Subtronics. If you see her at a show, please come say hello!

48 Articles3 Comments

6 Tips For People Who Are Looking To Do Some Solo Traveling

I’m the type of person who believes that with an adventurous soul and a wild drive, your life can become whatever you dream...


Interview: How Sziget Festival Fights Against Anti-LGBTQIA+ Ideals In Hungary

As a femme-presenting bisexual woman, I’m not often on the receiving end of much hate and discrimination but I still struggle to find...


EDM Maniac’s International Music Festival Dos and Do Nots

Nervous, lost, confused, excited. These were the feelings coursing through my veins while preparing for Sziget, my first international music festival. Social media...

New Music

Delusional Records Share Epic Compilation To Celebrate Two-Year Anniversary

It has been two years since Maude Vôs and Marie Nyx co-founded the transformative and eclectic music label, Delusional Records. The label has...

Festival Report Card

Festival Report Card: Sziget Festival 2023

Sziget Music and Arts Festival, held in Budapest, Hungary has quickly become known as one of Europe’s most acclaimed music festivals. Sziget, nicknamed...

Music Festivals

3 Reasons We Are Going To Sziget Music Festival

For music lovers and adventurous travelers seeking an unparalleled experience, there is one Budapest event that stands out above everything else: Sziget Music...