The days of one chicken tender for an entire festival are gone.
Eating good food while partying has so many benefits. From having more energy to dance to staying awake later in the night, eating foods that fuel your body at a festival can help keep you healthier and keep the party going all night long.
When navigating a festival/event, here are a few tips and vendors to look out for when it comes to eating.

1. Eating Is Better Than Not Eating
Eating is one of the most important things at an event for health and energy. Choose any food you’d like to eat, even if it is “unhealthy.” Allowing yourself to indulge in a tasty treat is totally allowed. After all, a festival is a vacation, eat what you’d like!
Budget for a meal or two inside the festival as well if you can. It is an investment in yourself! Check out Spicy Pie, delicious pizza! Overall, you just need something in your stomach to get those calories you can burn off on the dancefloor.
2. Prioritize Protein
Protein-filled meals will give you the most energy. Chicken, teriyaki bowls, turkey legs, and meats provide a lot of energy-building properties. There are also many vegetarian options at major festivals, such as protein shakes, beans, and meat substitutes like tofu. Check out vendors like Island Noodles!

3. Find The Fruits And Veggies
There’s nothing like the feeling of eating a whole lot of tasty veggies or a fruit bowl at a festival. When you feel good, you look good and fruits and veggies can be both tasty and healthy for you.
This applies doubly when its at a summer festival. When the sun is scorching down, is there anything better than a fresh slice of watermelon? We think not.
4. Eat Before And After An Event
If you want to avoid spending unnecessary money at an event, budget out a certain amount for meals inside the venue, depending on how long you’ll be there.
$20 per meal is a solid standard meal cost at most major US festivals. If this is out of your price range, make sure to eat a solid meal before you go to an event and once you get back.
It is important to recognize that everyone has different eating habits and these tips are meant to be a guideline to follow. Feel free to adjust any of these tips to your specific eating needs. Fuel your body, mind, and soul at every festival. Explore as many food options as you can and go back to dancing all night long!