Hardstyle icon and female powerhouse, Lady Faith, is taking over the Basscon Livestream on InsomniacTV tonight for 2 hours of untapped dance music release. Lady Faith holds a very special place in our hearts. This is not her first time gracing our live streams, but with the massive success and incredible energy she brings to each set, we just can’t stop bringing her back! With each set she does, she continues to shock and amaze us with her originality, personality, and rapid beats. We have no doubt that she will do exactly that tonight.
What is the best thing that happened to you in 2020? pic.twitter.com/dBeUInxSvX
— LADY FAITH (@djladyfaith) December 28, 2020
If it was just up to her music alone, Lady Faith would still be at the top of the charts. For years now, she has been releasing music on top Hardstyle labels such as Scantraxx, Hard With Style, and Fusion Records and taking over the stages of some of the largest festivals in the world. But, what sets her apart is her insatiable dedication to staying true to herself and her fans with every set. Each time she gets on stage, she creates a full experience. Everything from her beautiful visuals to her extravagant outfits brings exhilaration to each stage she is on. So when we had the chance to connect with Lady Faith and talk about her journey, art, and life during the pandemic, we were beyond excited.
EDM Maniac: You are consistently referenced as one of the top hardstyle DJs in the world. What was your journey like getting there? How did you get your start?
Lady Faith: Whilst I came from a musical background, becoming a DJ was a choice I made on my own and as such, it was not an easy path to get on stage. Initially, I was a DJ and not yet into the production of music. I had to learn the fine art of mixing and beat-matching. Back when I started, new DJs often learned their craft on vinyl records and that took practice; lots of it. My teacher ran a local record store in Los Angeles and encouraged me to play live outside his store. During one of these frequent sessions, I was discovered by another DJ who was also an agent and with their help, I got my very first live gig at a show called Sin City Massive.
Since then, it has been a complicated journey to get to where I am now. It took courage, perseverance, and an extremely thick skin. I hope that the trials and tribulations I went through as a developing DJ laid the path for other females who exhibit the courage and determination to begin this amazing journey. There is nothing quite like it.
EDM Maniac: When you perform, you make each set a full experience. From your energy to your outfit, you make each set uniquely your own. What is your thought process when creating a set?
Lady Faith: Producing a track is complicated, slow, and not entertaining for the viewers. Playing a song in a live setting is all the fans ever get to really see. As far as I am concerned, the fans deserve to view a spectacle, not just hear well-produced music. So, for every single performance, I try to break the mold and present the audience with a show that not only encompasses great music and is expertly mixed for their pleasure, but they also get a DJ who looks the part and leads the pack on the dance floor.
My Faithful get 100% of me every time they see me, and that includes the performance side. I think that with all the ego that comes with creating a great track, we can sometimes forget that the fans only get to see the performance, and therefore, that is an especially important yet underrated component of a show.
EDM Maniac: It’s awesome to see a woman on the top of the charts, especially in a genre so heavily dominated by men. How do you think your gender has played a role in your career? Were there any extra hurdles you faced as a woman?
Lady Faith: I am a female, so I have no choice but to work what I have. The industry can sometimes be a boy’s club where female colleagues get overlooked. I don’t see very many collaborations by males with females in any genre, but especially in Hardstyle. For example, I have created many original tracks and can count the collabs with my male counterparts on one hand. I am not sure exactly why the concept of fairness and equality are slow to be welcomed by such a liberal-leaning industry like music production and festivals. It’s taking a lot longer than I anticipated, but regardless of the challenges, the path to seeing more female artists on major lineups is already underway and the movement is unstoppable.
If the veteran male artists who control every facet of this great industry do not equally respect the females who are every bit as talented as they are, what kind of example do we set for the next generation? I would hope they would go out of their way to help, but sometimes it feels like empty words. In this Women’s History Month, we should all try to appreciate what the females have already done for our great industry, and with the right support, all the amazing things they will do for the future for our scene.
EDM Maniac: On the other hand, how do you think that being a woman has helped your art? Does it give you a unique perspective or inspire you in other ways?
Lady Faith: Women bring a different perspective to the music than men do. You could say that women are more in touch with their emotional side and you can hear it in their music. There are lots of women in the crowds these days and having some music that is inspired by women appeals to many of them. I hope that young future female DJs see me on stage, just like I saw Lisa Lashes, and dream to follow a life in the world of music. I tell a story on stage and give the fans insight into my personal feelings and it is very therapeutic.
EDM Maniac: For women looking to succeed as you have, what advice do you have for them?
Lady Faith: Work hard and don’t cut corners. Learn how to engage the crowd and keep them focused on what you bring to the stage. Embrace your female emotions and instincts and always be aware of your surroundings. Never sell out to get ahead. Stay true to yourself and be prepared for trolls that enjoy making you squirm. You have to be just as strong mentally as the men, even more so. You just have to want it more than they do, but you can do it.
EDM Maniac: What keeps you motivated? Is there a special memory that sticks out to you or a dream that you have?
Lady Faith: Being born in Iran, I came from a culture that sees women in a very rigid mindset, where expression of thoughts is discouraged. Growing up in America, I decided my career would be as free from restrictions as possible. I always wanted to be an entertainer, so for the first time in my life I made a decision that worked for me, and I have never had a single regret.
My dream is to perform on the main stage of EDC Las Vegas. I have been told that this is an impossible dream, but I have no intentions of changing my goals. I believe in myself, and if you know me, you know I am tenacious and will never quit fighting for what is right.

EDM Maniac: While this year has been tough, it has given us time to reconnect with ourselves and breathe. What is something you discovered about yourself or really leaned into during the pandemic?
Lady Faith: This year has not been easy for any of us, but especially so for live event performers. I, like so many of us, have taken the pandemic in stride. Touring can be a grueling process, especially for females, so I am thankful I got to spend more time at home with my dogs. I think the pandemic helped from that perspective, but mentally, being separated from the job and fans I love so much, was easily the hardest thing I can remember doing.
EDM Maniac: It’s impressive that even during the pandemic you are still very active in getting your music out to your fans. Can you tell us about the work you have been doing this past year?
Lady Faith: I always try to speak through my music, so the last year I decided to create songs that reflected my inner feelings. I made tracks called Believe, Different, and We The People. All of these songs reflect issues in the last year that so many of us feel. I really hope they provided a moment of escape for those that enjoy the harder styles. They helped me stay sane during the craziness and I know we all had to find ways to do that.
EDM Maniac: For better or worse, how do you think the pandemic has affected your career? Are there any lessons you’ll take away from it on a professional level?
Lady Faith: As an artist, the pandemic stopped live shows which is the life-blood of any professional DJ. So, the pandemic was a game-changer for my career, something you just had to persevere and live with until it ends. It affects everyone’s career and we are all important, so I don’t want to complain. It’s been a tough year for me and quite likely it has been a tough year for all of the readers as well. At least we are all in it together.
As for lessons, I think this pandemic has shown how important it is to live life for today. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Nobody in 2019 thought 2020 would be a total write-off. This pandemic has made me more determined to succeed, not less.
EDM Maniac: What have you missed most during this time, and what are you most excited for as the world begins to open again?
Lady Faith: It’s all about the fans. I can’t wait to see them again. I can’t wait to add a little bit of pleasure to their lives and continue to be an inspiration to those who need it. Hardstyle is about releasing some of your pent-up energy through dancing and I think we all need a little Hardstyle in our lives right now. I know I do.
While we will take any chance we can get to hype her up, it’s even more fitting to have her on during Women’s History Month. The dance music scene flooded with men, but women like Lady Faith are changing the narrative. It’s no secret that women entering the industry are faced with what seems to be insurmountable hurdles, but she never lets that stop her. She fully embraces her Iranian heritage and feminine strengths, regardless of what task she has to overcome. She is an inspiration to all women and the dance music community is blessed to have her.
Whether your part of her Faithful army or just discovering her, make sure to tune in tonight on InsomniacTV at 10 pm!
Featured photo by Lady Faith