Deadmau5 has dedicated mau5trap radio’s 115th episode to i_o as a tribute to him and his recent passing.
Last week, the dance music community was shocked to learn that Garrett Lockhart (known as i_o) passed away. Garrett was known for bringing underground techno to his mainstage performances and was not afraid to try new sounds and ideas. His passion and innovation brought him a devoted and loving fan base within the dance music community and created a lasting aftershock once the news of his passing was released. Since his passing, there has been a continuous display of tributes to Garrett including Insomniac showcasing previous performances from him at older EDC events.
Garrett was a friend and member of deadmau5‘s label, mau5trap, whose most recent radio episode is dedicated to an artist gone too soon. The 115th episode includes over twenty songs by Garrett including songs from his album ‘NRG 444.’
Stream mau5trap radio’s tribute to Garrett below: