
Just You And The Music: Why Going To a Festival Alone Can Be Magical

Most of us get into music festivals because of the impact the music community has had on our lives. We get that tick to explore more and continue to peel back the layers of the music world, but also our own world and reality.

While part of the experience is getting to let loose with the ones that you love, we encourage you to explore the idea of going solo. Although it could be intimidating, the intimacy and clarity it could bring to your life is something you may not find anywhere else.

One thing we definitely understand is that diving into the idea of going to a music festival by yourself can be super scary. You have to not only be fully prepared with all the proper gear to have a fun and safe festival, but you also have to be mentally prepared. Here is a closer look into making that dream of yours a reality.


A lineup drops and has all your favorite artists on it. You see it and think to yourself “Yep, where and when can I get my ticket?” Without thinking twice you’ve scored your one-way ticket into your happiness. But wait, do you know anyone going?

But then comes another question: does it matter? You bought the ticket originally completely for yourself, why not take it to the next level and make the whole trip about yourself?

One of the main positives of music festivals is self-expression, so you’ve already picked the right place to get to know yourself more. Choosing to go to an event by yourself takes all the limitations away.

Not having anyone else’s needs or wants to influence how you spend your time can be so rewarding. Getting to freely pick what artist you want to see is giving yourself the best opportunity to flow in ways you didn’t even know you needed. Getting lost within the music that just your energy picked is healing.

You are choosing not to block the clarity that music can provide for any of us. Clarity leads to understanding, understanding leads to healing—and healing leads to growth. Allowing yourself to heal and grow teaches you to be kinder to yourself, and in turn kinder to others.

Listen,  we get it—you love your fest fam and cannot imagine set hopping without them, but awakening a new level of magic within yourself, by yourself, FOR YOURSELF, helps you share that inner magic with the people you love the most.

Never forget to include yourself in that category of “people you love the most.” Loving yourself wholly and healthfully is the only way to love others wholly and healthfully. If there is anyone thing that venturing into a festival alone has shown me, it is love. And damn, is it magical. 


We believe that another main positivity within music festivals is the sense of community. When going to a festival alone you don’t have to have your head down to other people. Let your energy take you into the connections and relationships that are right for you.

The bond over music can last a lifetime. Going in with the mindset that you are going to be accepting of new friendships can lead to you meeting people that live across the country. The experience and music have led you guys to be in the same spot, enjoying the same thing, at the same time. Because you connect with people with a sense of gratitude and vulnerability, you can form relationships that will last a lifetime.

The EDM community welcomes everyone with open arms, so when you are out there dancing by yourself to your own beat, there are thousands of people around you respecting you and doing the same.

Also, how cool is it that you have friends from all over the world who have learned to grow and express themselves through music? You are opening your world up to endless opportunities. You now have people in many cities and states, you can venture off and go visit while also growing within something you both love, music. 


This all sounds liberating, life-changing, something you must do..right? But we do have to talk about the importance of being prepared. Going to a music festival alone also comes with a little bit more responsibility than when going with your fest fam.

Rule number one, do not overpack. A small tent with a good sleeping bag or for warmer festivals even considers just bringing your hammock. Parking next to your camp is also a great move because you can keep all your important items, as well as food and water in your car, locked up.

Hydration is always key, a lot of festivals offer free water fill-up stations. With that being said, get yourself a Camelbak. The right one holds plenty of water for one person throughout the day, and they also have a storage room so you can have everything you need right on your back. Keep your wallet safe and have some cash in case there is a problem running cards. Extra battery packs won’t hurt you as well.

It is important to keep your phone charged and keep connected with the outside world. You want to be able to lose yourself in the music without worrying about everyone you care about back home. Learn the festival grounds as soon as you get there, in case of an emergency you can get yourself to the medical tent without any struggle.

If you follow some of these basic guidelines, going to a music festival alone will be a breeze. 

Taking leaps within something like music can be a form of therapy for us all. Trust yourself and follow your gut. Allow yourself the opportunity to grow and heal into the person you are supposed to be. Fall in love with yourself and the music over and over again.

We encourage you to read this and then reflect within yourself on why you would consider going to a music festival alone. You deserve this limitless experience. Feel safe in the music community and allow it to take you on an unexpected journey. You never know what you will find if you choose to look. 

Written by
Emily Harvey

Aspiring Florida Journalist/Photographer enjoying the world and all the music it has to offer.

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