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Lizzy Jane And Figure Drop Powerful Bass Single “Take Control”

Promising bass artists Lizzy Jane and Figure just released the their captivating new single,  “Take Control.”

Originally dropping it at Lost Lands 2021, Lizzy Jane, real name Elizabeth Scott, and Figure, real name Joshua Gard, have teased the crowds over time with the sheer energy of this track.

Listening through, it’s clear that neither one of them held anything back when they made this banger. They put their whole hearts into this song. Both artists demonstrate so much power with the enchanted sound Gard provides from the very beginning, something deep and melodic wherein Scott can apply her chilling vocals.

They both have this unforgettable talent for transitioning between multiple feelings while combining them into one, allowing the music to take control throughout the whole track with an uncanny depth. Through this evolving mash of sound, Gard and Scott are taking the meaning of dubstep one inch further.

Stream “Take Control” from Figure and Lizzy Jane below:

Written by
Emily Harvey

Aspiring Florida Journalist/Photographer enjoying the world and all the music it has to offer.

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