Search Result for: Gorillaz

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GRiZ Slayed His First Ever Live Band Performance

September is a big month for Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, CO with big name artists playing 27 out of 30 days this...

Music FestivalsNews

Outside Lands 2017 Drops A Huge Lineup For 10th Anniversary

The lineup for Ouside Lands 2017 was just announced. Outside Lands, the annual music festival in Golden Gate Park will be celebrating it’s 10th...


Dance Music’s Biggest Moments Of 2016

This is EDM Maniac’s biggest moments of 2016. Some of these events are favorite memories from our staff and others are monumental to...

Music FestivalsNews

EDM Maniac’s Coachella 2017 Predictions

Do you smell that? The familiar aroma in the air? I smell it. It’s Coachella 2017. The festival may not be until April, but the...