Search Result for: Camp EDC

EditorialMusic Festivals

5 Reasons Why You Should Stay Up All Night At A Festival

Doctors recommend getting 8 solid hours of sleep a night. That way, you’ll start your day fully focused, with the maximum amount of...

EditorialMusic FestivalsNews

10 Simple Festival Tips That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

You’ve all heard the motto “No regrets (ragrets).” And a lot of us choose to live by it. But, it would be unrealistic...


Superstar DJs Who Don’t Need EDM

No one could have foreseen what EDM has become. After Avicii released ‘Levels’, the whole world got swept up in electronic music faster...


9 Simple Tips To Upgrade Your Festival Outfit

If you’re anything like me, you probably plan out your festival outfit themes way in advance. For example, months before EDCLV, I knew I...

Music FestivalsNewsTomorrowWorld

The Best is Yet to Come: 7 September Festivals Worth Checking Out

It’s that time of the year – when we start to panic that summer’s ending, warm weather is slowly dwindling (at least for...

EDM Events/ ConcertsMusic FestivalsNews

5 California Festivals to End Your Summer With

With summer winding down, one must choose wisely when deciding where to spend those last few weeks of fun in the Sun. Festival...