New Music

Porter Robinson To Release Last Album Single

Porter Robinson has announced that he will be releasing his last single from his upcoming album, ‘Nurture’.

Porter’s last album single, ‘Musician‘ will be released on Wednesday, March 3, and will be the third single to be released from his upcoming album, ‘Nurture,’ ‘Nurture,’ will drop on April 23 and focuses on Porters struggles involving creativity, lack of drive, and how he went about dealing with adversity and the effects it had on him.

Porter has already released two singles from his upcoming album, one of which has a brand new 360-degree audiovisual experience. ‘Musician‘ is the third and final album single from Porter and it could not have come at a more proper time. Earlier last week, legendary duo Daft Punk revealed that they will no longer be touring together. The decision came suddenly and without a ton of explanation. Fans and artists from around the world took to social media to express their gratitude and appreciation for the legendary duo.

On Facebook, Porter commented that the animation behind ‘Musician,’ reminds him of Daft Punk’s animation style. It seems like a perfect time for Porter to drop both his latest album single and perhaps an involuntary yet perfect tribute to Daft Punk.

Make sure to follow Porter Robinson on Twitter and Soundcloud to be notified when his latest single goes live.

Feature Photo – Rukes

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