Search Result for: tech house


5 Reasons To Be Excited For Lightning In A Bottle

The month of April ending means a lot to a lot of people, but the most important thing it signifies to the world...

Music Festivals

Check Out The 2016 Woogie Weekend Lineup & Official Trailer

This July, just an hour and a half south of Los Angeles, the famed Do LaB will be returning with it’s 2nd annual...

CoachellaMusic FestivalsNews

The Best and Worst of Coachella 2016

You can’t have the good without the bad. That’s not to say that Coachella 2016 wasn’t awesome. It was  a ton of fun. However, after...


4 Reasons Electronic Music Will Be Around Forever

Something you hear all too often when discussing music is how certain genres are “dead.” Recently I’ve heard people say dubstep is dead,...

Insomniac Events

5 Ways Insomniac Plans To Revolutionize Their Future Festivals

A few weeks ago Pasquale Rotella, Insomniac’s fearless leader, made a sweeping announcement regarding the future of Insomniac Events. Aside from the necessary fluff...


10 Acts You Need To See At Coachella

That’s right, it’s another Coachella post. Frankly it’s such a significant part of both festival and Southern California culture that every aspect of...