Search Result for: Electric Forest


7 Ways To Mentally Prepare Yourself For A Festival

A three day festival is no joke. And if you don’t properly prepare yourself in the weeks leading up to it, you might...


7 Ways to Participate More at Music Festivals

“I don’t think people are looking for the meaning of life so much as the experience of being alive” – Joseph Campbell Festival...


5 Reasons To Leave Your Phone In The Car At A Festival

The lights are dim except for a few scattered colors sweeping over the dancefloor, and the speakers are dumping bass on you at...


5 Kinds Of Amazing People You See At Every Festival

Throughout my entire life I have always worked in large public venues. Whether it was my summer job ushering at the world famous...

EditorialMusic Festivals

4 Reasons Why Camping Festivals Are Totally Worth It

What is it about festivals that make them feel like home? Even if it’s your first time attending a particular festival, once your...


5 Reasons Why You Need To Attend New Festivals Next Year

There was a time when festivals were small; when they were all underfunded, intimate gatherings within dilapidated buildings featuring the same crowd of...