Search Result for: Las Vegas


5 Powerful Life Lessons You Can Learn From Old School Ravers

One of the most universally accepted pieces of advice is probably “respect your elders.” Even though kids tend to treat their parents like...

EditorialMusic Festivals

Here Are 5 Festivals You Can Attend Instead Of TomorrowWorld

Everyone may have saw it coming, but the speculation can now come to an end. As a result of their recent series of...


5 Ways Festivals Will Help Build Your Self Confidence

When you’re on your way into a festival, there are practically endless opportunities for people watching. Especially if it’s your first time. Before that...

Music FestivalsNews

5 Reasons We’re Excited For CRSSD Festival

Unless you’re saving yourself for EDC Vegas, nobody’s first festival of the year is that far away. Soon everyone will be counting coins...


7 Ways To Festival On A Budget

Many fallacies about the EDM scene have been engrained in the negative stigma surrounding it. Other than the classics such as how electronic...


7 Ways to Participate More at Music Festivals

“I don’t think people are looking for the meaning of life so much as the experience of being alive” – Joseph Campbell Festival...