
EditorialElectric Forest

Greetings From A Clean Raver

One of my favorite parts of the EDM community is the love and respect we give each other. I love that so many...

EditorialFeautredMusic Festivals

Okeechobee Kicks off Festival Season

Okeechobee Music & Arts festival is right around the corner to kickoff festival season! Located in Okeechobee, Florida, this location offers the summertime...


Raving 101: First-Timer Raver Tips

Do you remember your first rave? My first rave was 6 years ago and since then I’ve attended countless of them over the...

EditorialMusic Festivals

2018: Older is Better for EDM

2018 is already a huge year for EDM. We’re less than 2 weeks in, and we can already see a substantial evolution within...

EditorialEDM Events/ ConcertsMusic FestivalsPhotosRecapRelentless BeatsReviews

Goldrush Music Festival: A New Wild West Favorite

The first-ever Wild West-themed music festival, Goldrush, kicked off its first year with a bang. Goldrush was everything Relentless Beats had promised it...


Dreamstate 2017: A Celebration of Life and Music

For two beautiful nights over this past weekend in Southern California, nearly 35,000 Trance fans made the journey to Insomniac’s mega Trance event:...