Music Festivals

Music FestivalsNewsTomorrowWorld

The Best is Yet to Come: 7 September Festivals Worth Checking Out

It’s that time of the year – when we start to panic that summer’s ending, warm weather is slowly dwindling (at least for...

Music FestivalsNews

Big Changes Coming To HARD Festival

HARD is making some big changes. Following two suspected drug overdoses at this year’s HARD Summer event in Pomona, Live Nation has agreed...

EditorialMusic FestivalsNews

7 Festival Struggles Only Girls Will Understand

Being a girl is awesome. But it doesn’t come without its roadblocks. And for us girl ravers, the same problems keep coming up,...

Insomniac EventsMusic FestivalsNews

Insomniac Announces Escape 2015 Lineup

The Escape 2015 lineup is out, and it’s packed with talent from around the world. This is Insomniac’s annual Halloween party. It’s taking...

Music FestivalsNews

Outside Lands SF Streaming Live All Weekend

Can’t get to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for Outside Lands? Well, you can still watch the music festival without heading to...

Music FestivalsNews

HARD SUMMER makes epic return to Los Angeles

HARD Summer 2015 was nothing short of an amazing dance crazed and sweat infused weekend. Featuring a sold out edition with over 60,000...