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Front PageMusic Festivals

Electric Zoo Bans Camelbaks, Will Be Providing Free Cups

Water is necessary to live. That’s a fact. Without water you can become seriously dehydrated and who knows what. Over the years, many...

Front PageInsomniac EventsMusic Festivals

Insomniac Releases Nocturnal Wonderland Trailer

We’re just a few weeks away from Nocturnal Wonderland, and Insomniac has just released the official trailer! For tickets and event info, visit...

Front PageLifestyle

Night Owls Are More Intelligent

Good news for you night owls. A new study finds that people who stay up later are more intelligent than those who go...

Front PageLifestyle

In The Future, The Music At A Festival Could Charge Your Phone

The days of needing a phone charger at a festival could be coming to an end. That’s because scientists and Nokia have teamed...

Front PageLifestyleMusic Festivals

This Cooler Has Raised 8 Million Dollars

Imagine waking up at your campsite after a long night of dancing. All you want is something cold to drink. Perhaps a nice...