Search Result for: HARD

DubstepEditorialNew MusicNewsRecord LabelReviewsRiddimSingle

May’s Top 15 Bass Releases

May was a pretty big month for bass releases. I felt like every other day one of my favorite artists was dropping a...


The Glitch Mob Announces North American Tour Featuring The Blade 2.0

The Glitch Mob has been busy! From their third album See Without Eyes being released to their current tour, they’ve decided to announce...

EditorialEver AfterNewsRecapReviews

Ever After 2018: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (RECAP)

After much anticipation, my festie bestie Sarah and I made our way to Canada June 8, 9 and 10 for Ever After Music...


4 Ways To Come Out Of Your Shell At A Festival

Festivals are probably the only product that live up to the sensationalist quality advertising that defines the social media age. When you see...


8 Ways Raving Has Helped Me Cope With My Mental Illnesses

How many of us struggle with mental illnesses? I bet it’s way more than we think. I think it’s so crazy how much...

EditorialMusic Festivals

Why FYF Fest’s Cancellation is Actually a Huge Deal

This week, Goldenvoice, the titanic event producer that is responsible for Coachella, announced that the 2018 edition of FYF Fest would not take...