Search Result for: Home Bass


We Asked Q-Dance All-Stars What Hardstyle Means To Them

With Mysteryland USA recently landing at the old home of Woodstock aka Bethel Woods, New York this past Memorial Day weekend, Q-Dance had...

CoachellaMusic FestivalsNews

Coachella Weekend 2: The Party Is Just Getting Started

Well the dust has settled from weekend one and the celebrities have all returned home. Friends were made, flower crowns were lost and...


4 Must-Visit Music Venues For Any EDM Fan

Clubs, Venues, Arenas, Amphitheaters, and just about anything you can think of are extremely prevalent in the United States. Holding anywhere from 100 to...

EditorialInsomniac EventsNewsUncategorized

Why Insomniac Countdown Was Better Than We Expected

2014 was an incredible year filled with outstanding festivals, shows, and clubs across the nation. As festival goers we’re kind of like nomads,...

EditorialFront PageMusic FestivalsTomorrowWorldUncategorized

We Loved Every Moment of TomorrowWorld

And so concludes the second chapter in the history of TomorrowWorld! We’ve had almost two months to really soak it all in, and...

EditorialFront PageInsomniac EventsMusic Festivals

Insomniac Returns With Massive Halloween Celebration

“Two dark nights of tricks and treats. Five domains of beastly beats. Specters roam this ghostly place of deathly drops and devilish bass....