Search Result for: Miami Music Week


Few Arrests, And Glowing Remarks For This Year’s Ultra Music Festival

Ultra Music Festival came to a positive and upbeat close this past weekend. The three-day festival in the middle of Downtown Miami featured...


It’s Finally Here: Ultra Music Festival Kicks Off in Miami

Miami, FL –  A city built on sun soaking days, beautiful culturally influenced minds, and home to one of the most sought out...

Music FestivalsNews

Above & Beyond Hit Miami For ‘We Are All We Need’

Things are heating up this week, with a sleuth of events going down for lovers of all dance music genres. The dance music...


6 Fun Activities You Can Do This Weekend If You Can’t Attend Ultra Music Festival

It may be hard for those of us on the East Coast to believe, but festival season officially here, and the long-awaited Ultra Music...

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App Of The Week: DJ Calendar

Have you ever missed your favorite DJ playing nearby simply because you didn’t know about it? Or, have you ever tried to plan...

Music FestivalsNewsUncategorized

It’s Party Time: Groove Cruise Miami Sails To Bahamas Tomorrow

Leaning over with firmly gripped hands on the top deck railing, I squinted in deep thought and gazed into the endless pitch black...