Search Result for: elrow


5 Reasons Why Brooklyn Should Be Your Next Dance Music Destination

No. Sleep. ‘Til Brooklyn. Those immortal words were first uttered in 1986 by the raucous rap pioneers known as the Beastie Boys, who...

Music FestivalsNews

Your Guide To The Best Parties During Amsterdam Dance Event 2019

In just about a week, thousands of people from all over the world will head to the city of Amsterdam to experience an...


Tale Of Us Bring Afterlife Back To New York This September

Following a sold-out show last summer, Tale of Us is once again bringing Afterlife back to the world-famous Brooklyn Mirage next month. After...

DJsEDM Events/ Concerts

Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) Releases First Round of Artists

The world’s largest festival and business conference event for electronic music, Amsterdam Dance Event, is right around the corner. They have finally released...

Music Festivals

Presenting the 2019 Desert Hearts Lineup

After months of suspense, Desert Hearts Festival has released the lineup for their 2019 edition! This year the crew took longer than ever...

Music FestivalsNews

The Brooklyn Mirage Releases Opening Weekend And Summer Lineup

Kicking the Summer outdoor party season into gear is none other than The Brooklyn Mirage. They will make their highly anticipated return this...